Monday, December 26, 2005

But, how shall this benefit me personally?
A Chat in ICQ

Voices of Africa (11:33 AM) :
I also created an e-group yahoo email listserve for Voices of Africa United..

If you join, you shall be my first member.... I started this project on Friday

My other message board, which is almost 6 months old is but I am doing the African Voices board to help my internet friends in Nigeria in the internet cafes
DOTMABRIXS (11:53 AM) :Thats interesting, I will join as soon as possible

Voices of Africa (11:53 AM) :I shall create a forum for you at and make you moderator which simply gives you maximum powers to edit and delete everyones posts but, it is not a burden of duty or responsibility. It is simply a power, should you require it
Here is the yahoo egroup for my site
If you join, you will be first member...
You can configure it for individual email, or for daily summary of emails.... or no email, simply to browse posts
That is the convenience of egroups
There is the blogspot for the message board
and my email is of course

Voices of Africa (12:02 PM) :Please, if you can, mention the message board to others at every opportunity, so it may grow and benefit many
I meet most of my new contacts on Yahoo. I find so far that ICQ is far less useful for meeting people. But please share my ICQ number with anyone in ICQ that might have an interest in Voices of Africa United message board

DOTMABRIXS (12:05 PM) :You see I've got all it takes to publicize this message board but I need to know what I stand to gain personally, because right now am on my own no sibling or relatives to look up to. am currently a student of Ladoke University of Technology Ogbomoso studing civil engineering.and also the president of Junior Chamber international Nigeria-Lautech chapter

Voices of Africa (12:07 PM) :

What you shall gain is the satisfaction of helping the peoples of Africa. If everyone looks only to immediate personal tangible benefit for each action, then Africa will not benefit and progress as rapidly in the long run.And, if everyone who is a citizen of in a troubled nation seeks only to emigrate to a prosperous nation, then that troubled nation shall perhaps remain forever troubled.

If you plant a tree today, which takes seventy years to yield fruit..... you will perhaps not live to taste the fruit.

But... still, you shall benefit from the satisfaction that you have benefited the unborn generations to come after you and shall taste the fruit and harvest.

I am elderly, with a wife on dialysis, and very little money,... yet I undertake this project to help a continent that I shall never see, and peoples who have no connection to me beyond my concern for my fellow man. And in this, I take great satisfactiion, if it should be that the world is a better place, after I am gone, because I have passed this way and said and done these things.

Hello Sitaram! I'd like you to know, I have placed a link to your blog in each of my blogs under the category: Blog Cafe.
I would love to blog some of your writings with your permission that is. Let me know...
Ed: aka Thunder @ myfreeforums, godsdragon here at blogspot
Certainly you may use my writings in any way you see fit. Thanks for your interest.
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