Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Martin Luther of the Reformation

Luther was one of the first in history to successfully use printed pamplets with illustrations in his media campaign. Some of those pamphlets portray the Pope and Cardinals breaking wind and employ base language with scatalogical references.  I see Luther as a man who voluntarily took lifetime vows of celibacy as an Augustinian monk but then could not deal with his sexual urges. In fact Luther actually claimed that demons had appeared at times and tempted him to intercourse which was also what Islam's prophet claimed. Luther freely admitted that the Greek Orthodox had a valid church and no need of a Pope and yet it never occurred to Luther that it is "better never to vow than vow and not pay." Luther SHOULD have finished out his life among the Greeks but instead he rewrote religion to the point that celibacy is demonic and unnatural and then he married a nun and had a large number of children with her. Whenever Luther was plagued with indigestion he would do what he called "negative fasting" by eating and drinking all the more, CONVINCED that Satan was the cause of his gastric distress and Luther was determined to frustrate Satan. Luther once wrote "when God rides me I do good and when Satan rides me I do evil."  Luther also wrote a very anti-Semitic pamphlet available on-line entitled "The Jews and their Lies."  A book entitled "Hitler's Willing Executioners" states in its opening page that Krystalnacht, the first open violence against Jews in Germany, was stated to commence on the birthday of Martin Luther.

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