Tuesday, January 18, 2011
The Religious Prejudice in American Politics
I fail to see my questions as "bizarre non-sequitors." If you sincerely believe that religion is illogical and an impediment to science then surely religion must also be an impediment in politics. China certainly seems to hold and enforce that position and China seems to be gaining some kind of superiority over America. Is it "logical" for Americans to fear the election of a Jewish president or a Mormon (Latter Day Saint) president, and yet they do seem to fear that. Ever presidential candidate has to tour the Bible belt and do stump speeches about how he has taken Jesus as his personal savior. I do not find the American practice rational.
I won my argument with Lair a long time ago because all I had to do was find ONE respected scientist who is practicing some religion and you yourself concede, Bryan, that the example I offer is a respected scientist and an exception to the rule ... but one exception to the rule was all I needed: Francis Collins.
I like to argue. I enjoy confrontation. If I cannot think of some different counter argument and run out of things to say then perhaps I have lost, but it is an exercise and exercise is healthy.
Bryan, you made assumptions about my genetic makeup, assuming that I do not know what it is like to "lack a God gene." I do not mind that you make such assumptions, but you are no better than I am when it comes to arguing.