Saturday, February 05, 2011

Centuries of Political Progress

Now let's pretend that you found the greatest political genius in all of America and made him/her president for two terms (a total of eight years.) Do you honestly feel that one person in only eight years can solve all the problems of the nation and the world? I guess that person would have sort of a Jesus complex. I mean Jesus got up on the cross and saved the whole world in 3 hours.  Now eight years is much longer than three hours. But you REALLY think one person could improve everything.  Now it took centuries to build up Rome, but it only took a week or two to destroy it. I believe one person could make things much worse in eight years. Now it took Mubarak 30 years but, well, they speak Arabic... all that bakshish and Inshalla...  anyway, I dont think Jesus would run for president but would said "if nominated I will not run, if elected I will not serve" (and he would throw in some things about the poor and the meek I suppose.)  Does it ever seem to you like everything that every politician says is a bunch of crap. I mean how many hundreds of years has it been since George Washington (who owned 300 slaves). Did things REALLY get any better during those centuries?  If so, how so? If not, then, well.. quite frankly, what makes you feel that the next 8 or 12 years will be any better?

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