Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Internet as an extension of mind and life

Several years ago I spent a lot of time on ustream.tv and one woman, 30ish, ran her business on-line and was CONSTANTLY live on ustream.tv video blog. You could hear her phone conversations. She was always properly attired, but worked reclining on her bed. She liked to chat with me because she was a literature major. I asked her one day WHY she does her business in front of a webcam. She explained that her ENTIRE LIFE is at the keyboard so ustream/webcam gives her some extra social dimension. There were always 10 or 20 lurkers hoping that suddenly all her clothes would fall off because males are stupid like that, but she just ignored them. One of my professors/tutors from SJC, now retired, has FB but laughed and said "It is extraneous because it is a RECREATION of life." Well, that is great for him to say because he is a charismatic person with a line of people waiting to sit in his living room or kitchen and chew the fat.  I don't happen to have that, so Facebook and things like Yahoo chat, IRC, Gchat, Plurk are my way to socialize, learn, network, get advice, give advice... AND ... posts are NOT in real time, so if someone asks me a provocative question, I may see it two hours or the next day later, ponder it, and answer the following day.  This on line venue can be like a seminar but it is BETTER than a seminar because you dont have to wait to BUTT into a thread, and you may compose your thoughts and google on facts.

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