And what does this have to do with a photo of my cat that I have shared????
William: You said that God should BLESS those creatures who cannot speak... the Psalms describe all creatures as blessing God .. in Greek Panta Pnoi anasanto tov Kyrion "all which breaths praises the Lord" and even the elements of the weather, theĀ
forces of nature, praise, and obey... Now God need not bless animals who have no words, for they do not do evil with reason... It is words which got us in trouble,... perhaps that is why the Word became flesh.... not that I am a Christian though I was for 20 years.... but, just a different way to see things.... its called "lateral thinking" to me... it is quite normal, it is the way that I am, ... to others it is quite foreign... you see, everything I wrote fits perfectly with your post, if you see it in the proper fashion.