Thursday, March 10, 2011
Jury Duty 1
This week I served jury duty and for the first time it dawned upon me that one of the ten commandments forbids bearing false witness but nowhere is there any mention of "truth." Then I became curious to know if the word "truth" appears anywhere in the King James Bible. Strong's Exhaustive Concordance indicate that the word "TRUTH" appears ONCE in the Old Testament (Psalm 115) and once in the 2nd Epistle of John. Now Jesus forbids anyone to swear even by the hairs of their head but to let their "nay" be "nay" and there "yay" be "yay." So WHY then is it that we SWEAR to tell the WHOLE truth and nothing BUT the truth "so help me God".... which of the many Gods are we talking about here... I mean is it Jesus, or Jehovah, or Allah, or Zeus or Woden... and in what sense would some God "help" me to tell the truth... this seems to imply that I am not capable of telling the truth on my own, so why make ME the middle-man, why not ask this God directly? And I God's sock-puppet that he puts his hand in me and works my mouth like Sherry worked Lamb Chop? As an armed court officer ushered us into the court room he said "the GENTLEMEN should remove their hats." Well, is this not discrimination? Why should males be treated any differently than females? Does this mean that they would allow a Muslim women to wear her veil in the court room (which I rather doubt in this climate.) And in each court room is a huge plaque on the wall which says IN GOD WE TRUST. Now what does this foolish statement mean? Since every religion seems to describe its deity as infallible and benevolent, then why sort of moron would NOT trust in such a God if such a god actually exists? I thought that Jefferson desired to erect a "wall" between church and state. And in what sense does ANYONE have access to the truth? If I ask you "how much is 2 plus 2" surely you will answer FOUR, but in what sense do you KNOW that 2 plus 2 is four? Can you stand at a blackboard with chalk and demonstrated that 2 plus 2 actually equals four. Do two apples plus two oranges equal four of something. Oh, but that is apples and oranges, isn't it. Google informs me that the proof that 2 plus 2 equals four would take over 200 steps and could only be made by the likes of a Bertrand Russell or an Alfred North Whitehead.