Monday, March 07, 2011

More regarding TRUTH

Plus, in Biblical terms, when the brothers of Joseph come to Egypt to ask his forgiveness, Joseph replies "you intended EVIL but God transformed your evil into GOOD" because had they not thought to murder Joseph, but then sold him into slavery, he would not now be in a position of wealth and power to save his kinfolk from famine.  Solomon also writes "there are ways which seemeth good unto a man but the end thereof is death" which again demonstrates that we KNOW what is wrong and bad, the darkness of the imaginings of the heart, but we do not know what GOOD or TRUTH is. Protestants (among others) conveniently FORGET huge sections of the Old Testament when it suits their agendas, but the harp on one verse out of context when it serves their agenda (e.g Martin Luther and Habbakuk, for the just man shall be saved by his faith).

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