Monday, March 07, 2011

What is TRUTH?

It is true that no one has access to the truth, which means that the only truth we possess is APOPHATIC (speaking of what is not.) All mathematical "truths" are true only in the context of some axiomatic system which of necessity is flawed by the recursive nature of linguistic/symbolic predication.

You see, rabbis Hillel and Shamai had it right.... "that which is HATEFUL to yourself; do not do that to others." The so called 'silver rule' is WISER than the golden rule "DO unto others as you would have  others do unto you" since that presumes that we know what is good for others or even for ourselves.  Our courts are in error to ask us to SWEAR to tell the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth. Even to claim that 2 plus 2 equal four is a mathematical proof with over 200 steps, so most people answer FOUR as hearsay. We CAN know when we are consciously LYING, so we should solemnly affirm that we testify under penalty of perjury and will not lie or commit lies of omission. But Akira Kurosawas movie Rashomon clearly demonstrates that different people will testify very differently regarding the same event, which is now a term in behavioral science "The Rashomon Effect." Imagine an illiterate man on the witness stand who is asked "do you KNOW how much is 2 plus 2"... he has no knowledge of arithmetic but wants to lie and give the appearance of being educated. Someone in the court room holds up 4 fingers.... or he makes up a number which simply happens to be the correct answer.... now has he told the truth, or has he lied under oath?

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