Thursday, April 21, 2011

Comic Book Nostalgia

I went to Borders at 4pm to read the political science / foreign policy quarterlies and was seated across from a display of Archie Comics and my eye kept returning to Veronica talking on the phone with a drop-dead good looking fellow while Betty was on another phone looking distressed. My curiosity got the better of me so I read the whole thing which took about 20 minutes (and they cost something like SIX DOLLARS NOW.)  I bought them 55 years ago for 10 cents.  The good looking fellow was GAY but that is all that was said in the entire comic with that regard, except that Archie was glad that Veronica hangs out with a gay man so he has no worries (but that was not spelled out either.)  Veronica's wealthy dad is scolding her for going OVER her 5000 message limit.  Betty is distressed because Veronica no longer pays attention to her BFF (best friend forever) but is totally preoccupied with her new gay boyfriend.  Jug Head takes Veronica aside and explains Betty's distress so they all throw a surprise birthday party for Betty.

I am amazed that something like Archie can last for 50 years and sell for $6.   I think I stopped with comics when I was 10 or 11. I only purchased some in an airport during my Senior year of college to see how my intellect would now perceive them.

NOW they offer on line ipod subscriptions to the comics. 

A HUGE comic store opened right across the street from our apt. I must go there and see what else is still in print, e.g. Little LuLu... and I must strain my memory to think of what else I read besides Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, Spiderman... and there was one in the early 50s called Elastic Man but he did not seem to last long.

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