Sunday, April 24, 2011
The dead who appeared during the crucifixion
I never thought that Samuel was resurrected in the body. I assumed that Saul was speaking to the spirit of Samuel. What bothered me about the New Testament passage is that IF some of the dead PHYSICALLY arose and walked about the city then what happens to them afterwards. If one says that they die again then this contradicts what Paul said about being born ONCE and then the resurrection (I suppose to refute reincarnation.) IF it is the case that some of the saints appear AFTER Christ dies and enters hell, then I can understand that in some sense, but is it clear that the dead appear only after Christ dies, or does it happen while Christ is still alive. Now I understand the notion of the "harrowing of hell" but surely hell cannot remain empty. I think Origen was condemned for some notion that ALL would be saved even Satan and the demons. I cannot see the purpose of a judgment if all are saved and forgiven. I am under the impression that only a minority are saved in the end. Somewhere in Ezekiel it says that if someone in their last days turns to iniquity then their lifetime of righteousness is counted as nothing but if they live a life of iniquity but in their last days turn to righteousness then all their iniquity will be counted for nothing. I realize that various denominations such as Universalist Unitarians believe that all will be saved by grace and that personal doctrinal beliefs are not essential. I suppose I should mention the belief that Enoch and Elijah never died but were taken up. I simply see a problem if those saints who appeared to people during the crucifixion were physically resurrected. I think that they must have appeared to people after the fashion of prophet Samuel.