Monday, April 18, 2011

A Flag as Toilet Paper

Every nation has a flag and an anthem and some form of constitution. Every Corporation has a Logo, and a Mission Statement. Did you ever ponder these curious things. So, in a sense the American flag is simply one of many flags. St. Paul in one verse states that food offered to idols is nothing since the gods of those idols are non-existent.  In some sense a flag is nothing except a symbol which we endow with meaning. For me a saber-rattling jingoist patriotism can be a form of mental illness. Is America THE BEST?! Well, what is wrong with Canada and New Zealand and Australia and a host of other perfectly good nations and societies? Isolationism had its merits in George Washington's day but is absurd in todays international community.  But whatever a flag may or may not be it is in poor taste to wipe oneself with it or use it to blow ones nose. And whatever anyone thinks of some religion's scripture, we demean ourselves by burning it or desecrating it. Rather than use profanity and obscene gestures we should all join in constructive dialog about what positive measures may be take to improve life on the planet and what harmful practices should be modified or forsaken.

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