Thursday, May 26, 2011
The American Agenda behind the H-Bomb
In the documentary on Oppenheimer's trial, the testimony regarding the H-Bomb made me realize that perhaps America did have a serious intention of bombing its way across Russia and into China, killing 300 million people to rid the world of the ideological threat of Communism. I am rather fond of Russians and Chinese but it does occur to me that after World War II America had a unique window of opportunity to exterminate various ideologies which are now possibly a threat to world peace. It even dawned on me that in theory if Hitler had WON the war, he would have gone on homogenizing the world BUT perhaps after a few centuries the Nazi Reich would have crumbled and the survivors would have enjoyed more peace and harmony than we now enjoy. But as we know Hitler was defeated, Israel was plunked in the middle of Arab nations and Arab cultures became a force to be reckoned with... or perhaps even a force which is too late to reckon with. So the ultimate result of the Allied victory may one day result in World War III or Armeggadon but the victory of Hitler, as evil as he was, might after several centuries have resulted in centuries of world peace.