Monday, June 13, 2011
Heresy by the time of Aquinas
It also helps to read a few books and give them a lot of thought. Surely in the first centuries there were no Billy Grahams or Joel Osteens or Charles Stanleys running around. Look for Jaroslav Pelikan's five volume set in paperback. Read them and see what you think. The Philokalia is also helpful. In 1054 when Constantinope anathematized Rome, Rome had gone off the deep end with the Filioque and a number of other things and by the time 400 years passed and Aquinas came along Aquinas was a flaming heretic and innovator who would be unrecognizable to the Christians of the first centuries. The Arians, Monophysites, Monothelites, Nestorians etc ALL maintained a close outward similarity to the mainstream Orthodox who prevailed at the first seven councils.