Monday, June 13, 2011

Nostra Aetate Encyclical of Vatican II

A gradual degeneration let to a climate ready for the Reformation after which there was a furious degeneration into thousands of splinter groups and yet it is a sort of miracle that places like Sinai and Athos persisted to this day. No one in this thread has answered my question: what will you do if the Pope permits female ordinations or same sex marriages?  Just curious. How much must things change before they become unrecognizable?  Kung points out that at the Council of Florence it was firmly declared that there IS NO SALVATION outside the Roman Catholic Church and a few hundred years later at Vatican II we see the Nostra Aetate encyclical stating that it is the duty of Catholics to recognize the SAVING GRACE of God present in non Christian religions.  That is a STRIKING change in position.

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