Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pure monotheism

The only place I see PURE monotheism is Islam and that is not my favorite religion. Trinity seems a later development and 1 John 1:5 seems a later addition (three in heaven testify to three on Earth) because it is not in earliest manuscripts and was never cited during ecumenical council debates. Also Jaroslav Pelikan and David Christie Murray point out that many people unconsciously think in terms of modalism without realizing it. What strikes me is that during first 7 ecumenical councils the various monophysites monothelites Arians etc OUTWARDLY resembled the "orthodox" with vestments, liturgical practice, and only differed in some small difference of dogma... but after Reformation, the 1500 + sects of Christianity differ so widely that on one side of Rockford Illinois is "Church of Christ WITH music" (they have piano / organ) and on other side of town is "Church of Christ WITHOUT music" (since musical instruments are sinful , all must be sung a capella) - Three persons united is not pure monotheism... nor is Judaism with shekinah and hachmah (wisdom) ... it hints of plurality and why would it be necessary to proclaim so LOUDLY shema Israel if monotheism were intuitively obvious... and why is Elohim PLURAL

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