Monday, June 27, 2011

Satan posing as a false Christ

I spent some years with Old Calendarist Greeks who sincerely believed that the New Calendar Greeks were a "synagog of Satan" and that they had been deceived into worshiping a FALSE Christ, an "angel of light" as St. Paul warns... and of course there are sufficient verses to provide ammunition for THEIR argument just as there are sufficient verses to support the convictions of the 5 college students who gather with the sliced bread and grape juice. So there ARE those who see that which is heretical as also demonic. For me, personally, I would have to say that the greatest success Satan enjoyed was the notion that people are saved by faith alone through grace for if such were the original notion of Christianity then why would the first centuries be filled with desert fathers and anchorites who fled the cities and lived in celibacy. Why would they not stay in the cities with their wives and children, sipping their beer, and enjoying the fellowship of their friend Jesus who forgives all and guarantees them a "once saved always saved" get out of jail free card?

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