Monday, June 27, 2011

The Woman in Red

There is an old movie called, I think "The Woman in Red" I was married in 1979 and in 1980 I happened to be invited up to the apartment of a woman in the next building (who did not know I was married). She wanted to make me a sandwich but I politely declined. THEN all of a sudden she gave me these bedroom "come hither" eyes and said in a deep sensuous voice "YOU dont have to be afraid of ME" and in that heart beat moment I knew I could do anything I pleased BUT suddenly it was like a saw right into her soul and saw all this depression SO the next thing I said was "do you ever get DEPRESSED" and she looked down and said "YEAH, sometimes I get REAL depressed!"  Now this was several years before the movie came out but in a single instant I saw in my mind's eye the plot of that movie and I realized that I would be very foolish to take advantage of this poor, vulnerable, unstable woman.

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