Saturday, July 16, 2011

China's Enmity Towards Dalai Lama

I suppose China has had a centuries old desire to claim Tibet as its own, why I do not know. The Dalai Lama symbolizes a free Tibet. China holds the Communist/Marxist notion that religion is bad because it undermines the authority of the state.China sincerely believes that they have done the Tibetans a favor by liberating them from a superstitious way of life.  I think China should simply ignore the Dalai Lama because by raising fierce objections they simply draw the world's attentions and sympathy to the Dalai Lama. Destroying a culture is considered to be a form of genocide/ethnocide even if no people are killed. The Tibet which produced the Dalai Lama is gone forever and IF Tibetan Buddhism survives it must transform itself. There are no more villages where a 4 year old child can be found as a future Lama and no age-old monasteries steeped in tradition where such a child could be raised to be a Dalai Lama.

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