Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Conspiracy Theories
William: Perhaps the main purpose of various religions: pursuit of happiness. When people are unhappy about their current situation, they will pursue a new way to happiness regardless its authenticity.
Someone: Perhaps the main purpose of various religions is to control the masses for the ends of the power brokers. Religions create rules and a power structure. Then often require an additional 'tax'. The fundamentals behind the teachings of religions are often caring and benevolent but those fundamentals get altered to suit the desires of the leaders. \holy books are created long after anybody can remember the original teachings.
William: In my life I have come to the conclusion that all corporate human endeavors whether business, political, religious, academic are by OUR very nature corrupt and corrupting but corporate endeavors are all we have because WE are all we have. On the other hand I see humanity as too stupid, inept, short-sighted to really pull off some vast Big-Brother conspiracy of George Orwell magnitude.