Thursday, July 14, 2011

Conventiol Warfare and Rules of Engagement are Ineffective

It should be very obvious to even the average intellect that the culture which survives will be the culture which has not forgotten how to kill and how to die. Victory and survival will go to the most ruthless. The greatest military machines the world has ever seen have not been able to defeat a nation of illiterate goatherds plus those goatherds are the worlds largest supplier of drugs in the world and that drug traffic weakens our societies and raises a huge war chest of illicit funds for future assaults. We are so squeamish in our concepts of ethics that we bring soldiers up on murder charges. When your enemy is an ideological meme that survives generation after generation then the women and children are the greatest enemy for they are the breeding ground for each successive generation which embraces that ideology. Why would America PIONEER the development of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction if they could never bring themselves to use such weapons in an effective manner?  There is no such thing any more as a just war. Conventional warfare and rules of engagement have been rendered meaningless.  Do you really think that Pakistan will cease its terrorist campaign of attrition against India until it brings India to its knees or until India wakes up and realizes that survival means a world in which Pakistan and Afghanistan and the Pashtun are a fading memory. For that matter I doubt that Israel will survive in some peaceful coexistence. Israel will not simply conquer the surrounding countries but will annihilate them or else those surrounding countries will annihilate Israel. How many centuries of terrorism can all these countries endure?  It would be MORE humane for one side to eliminate the enemy altogether than to let centuries of terrorism continue. And what I argue here pertains as well to the enemy cultures. Their only hope is to annihilate those who see their only hope of survival as annihilation of the enemy. History is a window of rapidly opening and closing opportunities for annihilation. Rest assured that a window of opportunity will open one day for your enemy and they will seize it in a heartbeat and feel certain that what they do is pleasing to their God.

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