Friday, July 29, 2011
Defriending those who disagree
David: I had a great reply which disappeared when my browser crashed so I have to recreated it in some more stable gmail or something and past it here. But dont you see how COWARDLY you are because you are saying "oh you are on the warpath and so I am out of here because I only want to SILO myself with people who totally agree with me and humor me." I went to school with a man who SEEMED to all outward appearances to be a fornicator and drug user but then God is the only knower of hearts. The draft was still active so he went to a seminary and became an Episcopal clergyman. At some point he converted to Catholicism and became a Catholic priest. He also worked in a security capacity where he became an expert in firearms and the use of lethal force. Sometimes he will advise people to "rachet up your rosary a notch." At other times he hints that in his farm is a huge arsenal of assault weapons and IF the liberal Democrats should ruin the nation to the point that law and order is replaced by mob rule then he will defend himself with his arsenal. He also had weird photos on his facebook page of himself in strange red robes with a hood aiming his assault weapons. One day I challenged him to demonstrate even a SHRED of Reformation piety in the literature of the first 1000 years of Christianity (the Philokalia for example.) He said that he had no use for such frustration in his life and defriended me. His tactic with others was to threaten defriending if they did not agree with his dogma. And the great irony is that on the Catholic radio yesterday a Jesuit explained that a Roman catholic priest cannot bear arms as a military chaplain and cannot even be a surgeon because a patient might die.. same with greek orthodox... if a priest drives a car and is involved in involuntary manslaughter he can never celebrate liturgy agaiin.... i am not capitalizing cause the browser crashes..... so if you go away and come back,.... i am not ON THE WARPATH ... i simply do not see things the way you do and I see a kind of sophistry.... we should not silo ourselves and defriend peoople who disagree.... we should state our arguments and at a certain point agree to disagree... sorry for rambling lower case but i cannot stand browser crashes.