Saturday, July 30, 2011

Google Plus Hangout Issues

 It is IDIOTIC to use the term GRIEFER because that might mean that a 19 year old Republican does not care for the views of a 62 year old Democrat AND it is idiotic to punish people for exercising their 1st amendment free speech rights AND it is possibly a civil rights violation.. so if anyone wishes to SILO themselves with only like minded people then just REMOVE someone from your circles but do not REPORT them and get their account suspended simply because they do not see things the way you do.

since the whole situation will PROBABLY be handled by BOTS... then it is just the word of "the tyranny of the majority" against the word of the dissenting minority ---- since there will be 500 million on line or more (just like Facebood) so there will be NO human subjective arbitrator....
why not let a hangout have MODERATORS with power to bounce, boot, ban (but not to discredit disable someones account) ... I mean it works in IRC ... let the person who STARTS the hangout have moderator powers.. why make things so complex or punitive

A hangout is started by ONE PERSON initially and older computers can only support 5 people while newer more powerful computers can support 10... so what is the big deal. The person who starts it should have a say in booting people... and people who are booted can jolly well start their OWN hangout... and by the way.... what happens in Google Plus will have EVERYTHING to do with what state and federal and international laws decide should some issue escalate to that level. Something like G+ may come to be construed in the same fashion as the FCC construed broadcasting licenses, as a public trust obligated to give time to those with dissenting opinions. And users in France, for example, will come under French laws (e.g. it is forbidden to deny the Armenian holocaust circa 1917).... just giving examples.... Why in the world would I want to start a Hangout if I cannot control who participates in it.... I could always go to and create a secret password only channel... for example...

Look at and paltalk and see how they handle such issues since they have been around a LONG time.

You know, one expert in constitutional law criticized G.W. Bush for having a Manichean mentality that the world is clearly divided into the good guys and the bad guys... and this who topic of Griefers is making the same Manichean assumption that it is an objective, indisputable and easily defined issue of who are the good guys and who are the bad guys..... just saying.....

Or, just make Hangouts INVITE ONLY with first invites by the person who starts the hangout and others can invite and that way everyone should be happy... SUPPOSE I see a hangout and I am lonely and so I join the hangout NOT REALIZING that it was started by 9 lesbians so they see right away that I am male.... and they report me.... Hangouts are not labeled by topic... so now they all report me and I have a black mark against me.... and I didnt even say one word.... please explain the fairness of that hypothetical scenario

America had a hundred or more years of history using what seemed like a perfectly REASONABLE literacy test (how can you vote responsibly unless you can read up on the issues)... the literacy test was used in the South as we all know to make it impossible for people of color to exercise their civic right to vote... 

Hence it is not inconceivable that there are those who would use whatever reporting features may be implemented in an unjust and persecutory manner as a weapon of oppression .... so it makes little sense to speak in theory about the polite way that everyone would use such reporting tools ... 

Regarding reading tests for voters it is ironic that now with television and radio one need not be literate to be well informed about political issues.

Perhaps there should be private Hangouts. Last week I was in a hangout with one person for two hours discussing personal matters concerning a bitter, contested divorce and also concerning her fiancee. Had someone come in, a stranger, we would not have wanted them present because of the nature of the discussion. So, what is the option for two or three people who desire privacy. I suppose Gchat would have allowed a private conversation but we happened to choose Hangout. 

I dont understand why Hangout cannot optionally be on an invite only basis.

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