Saturday, July 16, 2011

If Health Care is Not a Right...

Ayn Rand and Piekoff dont appeal to me, BUT each year 250,000 copies of *Atlas Shrugged* are sold because there is a new young generation who _discover_ Rand.  - Basically, the argument of the link is that health care is not a right of all but a privilege of only the rich. I can understand that argument but then it seems to me that physician assisted death should be legalized because without health care life can become a living hell and so can old age. IF people could apply for assisted death and optionally donate their organs if they choose then they would not have to suffer. So many people attempt suicide each year which is a painful and humiliating fate and many FAIL and wind up more disabled and a burden upon the conservatives who do not care to spend money on social welfare or public assistance.

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