Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Lesser of Evils

Someone posted a Youtube of a small robotic gun about the size of a german shepherd dog equipped with a machine gun and operated by a human at a computer. The accuracy of the weapon was impressive as it fired at distant human sized targets.  Combat as well as deep space exploration will become increasingly robotic. I realize what I am about to suggest will be controversial and perhaps even offensive, but the way I see it, the human race cannot survive with sharp ideological polarizations bent upon transforming or annihilating the opposing ideology. Therefore, the only hope for LONG TERM survival of the species is for one pole (side, ideology and which it does not matter) to seize a window of opportunity in which with certain technological superiority it can annihilate the opposition and thereby homogenize the survivors. I am not trying to be humorous new imagine an entire world of, say, Canadians or Australians. Now PERHAPS in a century or two those Canadian-Australians would once again polarize over some ideological difference. But certainly when one half of the world is pitted against the other half of the world with Terminator-Robocop automatons then no one will win and no one will survive. The above argument makes ethnocide the lesser of evils (although still an evil.)

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