Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Jean: Jesus Christ is the Son of God and God the Son.
Christianity really is about the Trinity of God, but Jesus Christ is easier to worship because he is personified, whereas the Father and the Holy Spirit aren't. So when you say "in God we trust", you englobe the whole Trinity, all three facets of God. Then again you have trinitarians and nontrinitarians… As soon as you mention some religion you'll always offend some people. William: Baloney! I say that is ignorant rhetoric. I choose to see IN GOD WE TRUST as something that should be offensive to all people both believers and non-believers for the simple reason that no one ever thought to use such a motto UNTIL Senator McCarthy decided that Communism was a threat and Communism was synonymous with atheism and Democracy is synonymous with Capitalism and Capitalism is synonymous with only a certain flavor/denomination of Christianity. The first 800 years of Christianity and the first seven ecumenical councils were all in some way related to very minor points regarding the persons of the Trinity and the natures and wills of Christ so I feel that those councils in the early centuries would have found "IN GOD WE TRUST" very offensive and something that the Roman Empire might seek as a compromise to include all pantheons. Each person has the right to believe as they see fit but no one has the right to shove their beliefs down the throats of all other citizens.