Friday, July 08, 2011
Our notion of SELF: Anatman Kandas and Karma
I am rushing around so did not have time to read all posts. Ancient Buddhist doctrines circa 3rd century BCE speak of the principle of "anatman" or "non-atman/non jiva/non soul" and describe the "skandas" which are a bundle of sensory perceptions. Anatman was a challenge to the Hindu notion of atman self or jiva . For those Buddhists that which we call self is but an illusion or gestalt of those skanedas. HOWEVER, imagine a billiard or pool table with balls racked up, struck by the white ball, and they scatter in certain directions based upon the velocity and spin of the striking ball. This is the anatman notion of KARMA.... how the activities of this current non-self aggregate gestalt will determine the nature of the next incarnation or gestalt. If ideologies are memes which live for centuries, the minds of adherents being the cells of that brain, and if those memes morph and evolve... well... I must rush, but I think you get the gist of what I suggest.