Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Progress of Language
We started out with Neanderthal grunts and croaks -- we progressed to Shakespeare, Edward Gibbon, and yes, even William F. Buckley Jr. (take a look at some of his prose) .... but finally we will come full circle to grunts, croaks, emoticons and txtspeak .... I have been in IRC channes with powerful SUPER ADMINS who sat there all day long posting the most pathetic, immature, childish crap, out of pure boredom... IRC could be a beautiful medium for meaningful discourse, but it is filled with warez/porn/scammer/cyberbully/punks ... much of the Internet is garbage.... this is sad, very sad. .... oh and we say "meh" what the hell does "meh" mean.... good Lord... and GW Bush gives a speech and says "the NATION of Africa" GODAMMIT it is a CONTINENT with about 50 nations.... you know IF you wanted a hair cut or a massage the law states that you must go to a LICENSED trained barber or masseuse.... BUT when you want someone to run the country ... ANY clown can in theory be elected.. they dont have to have experience as Governor... they dont need a law degree, they dont need to be about to read financial statements or even balance their checkbook...