Wednesday, July 06, 2011

So Help Me God

Consider how ridiculous we make ourselves seem with "IN GOD WE TRUST" - first of all, we cannot prove that God does or does not exist. Second of all we know that God is a being who by definition cannot lie (and there is a BIble verse for that) so WHY oh why would we NOT trust a being incapable of lying. Now, we are in a court of law to determine the facts of some incident or crime. We say that we TRUST in God who is all knowing. We raise our right hands and say "SO HELP ME GOD" ... now IF you have some direct contact with an all knowing being who cannot lie then why on earth are you having any court proceeding since you may just inquire of God regarding the guilt or innocence of the accused.  Furthermore we know that "God helps those who help themselves" so why do we TRUST in God? Do we TRUST that God will do everything for us and spoon feed us? That is pathetic. Why do we raise our right hand. Is that not insulting and discriminatory to all who have lost their right hand or been born without hands? The whole business is the most pathetic kind of superstition and should be done away with. By the way, the Muslims in their Qur'an DO NOT say that God (Allah) cannot lie. One verse says that Allah may ABROGRATE OR UNDO any command and he will replace it with something better. So Allah is not even bound by his own word.

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