Friday, July 29, 2011
Tautology and Equivocation
Eastern Orthodox also claim to be the "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic" church. The term "catholic" (Gr: kata + holos = "according to the whole") doesn't necessarily mean "universal" in the sense of uniform or monolithic. It also means "complete," "entire." That Church is "catholic" which contains a complete form of therapy, which has preserved the complete teaching and practice. There are differences in detail b/w Russian, Greek and Arab Christian Orthodox practice but they remain "catholic."
David, well said BUT.... are you telling me that you cannot see the sophistry in your argument which is not YOURS but has been passed around for centuries? We deconstruct a term into a definition which MUST be true because it is a tautology; an EQUIVOCATION. We all differ BUT we dont differ and we are universal even though we are not everyone or everywhere because they are false Christians or Christians in name only. Perhaps tautology is not the right word but we become HYPNOTIZED by these arguments until we become robotic parrots constantly repeating these trite shop-worn platitudes. Here is a slightly different example from one of those Internet Catholic radio stations my wife listens to for hours each day.Suppose someone says to you "There is no absolute truth!" Well if that statement is TRUE then that statement represents absolute truth and contradicts itself - THEREFORE there must be one absolute truth because it is logically impossible to state with absolute certainty that absolute truth does not exist.