Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Watering Down the Trinity

No... what I am saying is that America has watered down all concepts of religion with its efforts to mix religion and politics. If you look at Greek Orthodox liturgies they are extremely and overtly Trinitarian. To some degree that is watered down in Roman Catholicism in the West after 1054 and the Great Schism between Rome and Constantinople. Dogma/doctrine becomes even MORE watered down with Martin Luther's Reformation in the 16th century. Many founding fathers of American Constitution were DEISTS and Jefferson clearly had the intention to erect a wall between CHURCH AND STATE.  Muslims are not pleased to call Allah GOD, and for Muslims it is a sin called SHIRK to ascribe a partner (Jesus) to Allah. America should wake up to the 21st century and remove all religious references from state and federal activities. G.W. Bush was asked at a public forum whether Muslims and Christians and Jews worship the same God. Bush hesitated for a moment and everyone held their breath that he would say something politically correct, and then they breathed a sigh of relief when Bush said OF COURSE THEY worship the same God. But I think many Muslims would dispute this.  I know for a fact that there are Muslims (and Hadith) which forbid answering a non-believer (infidel) when he/she says As-Salaam-Alaikum since that is reserved only for Muslims so a Muslim is advised to either answer nothing or say SAME UNTO YOU (which is meant to reflect back to the infidel the curse, since their blessings are curses) ... the Roman Empire was more than happy to add a new Deity to their pantheon when they conquered a new people and all they asked in return was that those people equally honor the Roman pantheon and especially the notion of the Caesar as a God. When Jews and Christians refused to do these things it was considered a politically subversive act.

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