Friday, July 29, 2011
What is truth
And now to recreate the post which disappeared in the browser crash: David, IF it is the case that your arguments/reasoning are objective and re-creatable in the sense that anyone/everyone even the unlettered slave boy in Plato's dialogue the Meno could follow the same syllogistic reasoning and be convinced THEN the majority of the world would be Eastern Orthodox BUT obviously, there are only 300 million east. orth. and many of those are ouzo slurping Greeks and vodka swilling russians who only show up to church on pascha/easter and havent the foggiest idea what the first seven ecumenical councils are about... and there are one billion roman catholics most of whom do not even own a copy of the 900 pg catechism much less know what it says or means... and even giants like hans kung and pope benedict/ratzinger do not see eye to eye. sorry for lower case but shift key is making browser crash and i am a palsied old man whose short term memory skips a beat every 47 seconds..... but is it not more reasonable to admit that there is no mathematically precise theoretical proof for doctrine.... and even geometry is not universal because there is euclidean, hyperbolic, elliptical, reimann etc and no one can prove with certainty which actually represents the noumenal nature of space (or time-space/matturgy)