Wednesday, July 27, 2011
World Peach and Distributed Social Networks
Friendika is written in PhP (Facebook also uses PhP) which allows Friendika to be hosted as a POD on many operating systems. The entire goal of distributed open source social networks is that each person who has the means and desire may have their stuff on their own machine at home (or on some $20 per month website host provider) and allow some friends to join their POD (as SEEDS) if they like. Each pod connects with all other pods and yet each podmaster retains complete control of writing and photos. I suppose the ultimate idea would be if ALL flavors of social network, FB, G+, Diaspora, Friendika, etc. would have some common API so that ALL interconnect but such will come to pass only when proprietary and open source folks decide to cooperate rather than to compete. In fact, it would be NICE if all 8 billion of us would decide to cooperate. We would save all that money that we spend killing each other and then patching up the survivors with prosthetics.