Friday, August 19, 2011
Acausality, Nothingness and a place for things to take place
I suspect that acausal events exist, where they exist is irrelevant, so we are in agreement, except I cannot PROVE that acausal events exist nor can anyone else to day. Sartre hints that nothingness must exist otherwise being would be such a plenum that nothing could "happen." Perhaps acausality is necessary in the similar sense that nothingness is necessary. Jewish mysticism uses a word for God, "makom" meaning "place" and they say that God is not IN the universe but rather God is the "makom" PLACE of the universe and furthermore this "place" is created by "tsim tsum" , contraction, withdrawal, because God is such a fullness that only by withdrawing is a "place" made where things can "take place" (events.) I am reminded of that verse in the Epistle of James "in whom is no change or shadow of a variation."