Sunday, August 21, 2011

Advice to a misguided young Protestant

1st.... to me this [Jaroslave Pelikan's 5 volume History and Development of Christian Doctrine] is light easy reading... to you it is wordy... he wrote these 5 volumes over a period of years and during those years he privately began to lean towards Eastern Orthodoxy.    You like to show photos of athletes. Athletes only become what they are with years of grueling practice. Same with scholarship. Your mind is at the toddler stage. Not trying to be hurtful but just trying to wake you up to the realization of how little progress you have made and yet you mistakenly assume that you have some profound understanding and insight. IF you become more humble and make a sincere effort over a period of years then you may possibly achieve a deeper understanding. When you hoot and holler on Facebook about how cool Jesus is... that is shallow emotionalism... what is significant is not what Jesus is but what you can become IF you put in the time and effort and come to the humble realization that you are in serious error with once saved always saved, and also you have barely scratched the surface. You are at the toddler stage. Learn how to walk and one day to run.

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