Friday, August 26, 2011

An alternative solution

I shall repost the Steven Pinker link in FB. I will be dead soon and there is little that makes me nervous. I was conditioned from the age of five to see war as noble because I was the first television generation in 1954 when each morning I awoke at 5 am and watched WWII news reels. I thought I was supposed to grow up to be a soldier. I wondered who I would be fighting in WWIII. No one realized what I was thinking. I see your point of view BUT I also see that America pioneered nuclear and biological weapons of mass destruction.  Camus in his Sisyphus essays speaks of "that paltry eternity, posterity."  I wish the best for future generations after my death. I hope some of my species survives for a few thousand years. I do not pretend to know what is moral, immoral, amoral. I am age 62 and much of the media entertainment that I have viewed concerns how to kill in countless ways. Think about that and ask yourself why such themes are constantly appealing.  I do not advocate that anyone do anything. I will be gone and it will not affect me. I merely speculate upon what I see as inevitable. Thank you for tolerating my viewpoint. Perhaps it is good that I openly express what others only think and dare not speak for in your efforts to refute me you may change their minds.

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