Thursday, August 25, 2011

Being candid about extremes of lethal force

Lets be realistic about warfare, capital punishment and lethal force. We do it at the drop of a hat. We have police and military who make lethal force a lifetime career. 

I think it is impractical to hope for a world free of lethal force. It is a noble dream but it is only an idealistic dream.

It is criminal to take even ONE life if that death has no lasting benefit to future generations. On the other hand, if we eliminated one rogue nation and it resulted in 1000 years of peace v. conventional warfare and centuries of terrorism and drug trafficking then I cant really see that as monstrous. Why do we shrug at 1000 needless deaths in some drone strike which may not even take out the target but we are horrified in eliminating an entire nation which poses centuries of threat to the rest of the world?

Was the USA a monster to enter the Vietnam war. One of their goals was to halt the progress of Communism in that area. Was the USA a monster to use agent orange or napalm?  Was the USA a monster to have free-fire zones.  Certainly one may see all these things as monstrous but the world shrugs its shoulders and does what it deems necessary.  

Do you believe that there is a top secret Area 51 in Nevada? A book has recently come out about Area 51. Would you be shocked to learn that environmentally friendly weapons of mass destruction are being developed right now.

Each and every nuclear sub has a destructive firepower GREATER than all 5 years of World War II BOTH sides. Who developed and deployed such a fleet of WWII's lurking in the silent depths.  Do you feel such nuclear and biological weapons were developed by people who would never dare use them?

Anyway, I do not mean to troll or flame. These are my thoughts over the past 10 years. One of our congressmen, Tancredo I think actually spoke publicly about nuking a certain sacred place.  I am not saying he was right to make such a statement. I am merely pointing out the 1/6 tip the iceberg principle that if one politician blurts something like that publicly then one may rest assured that far more is discussed and developed in secret.

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