Wednesday, August 17, 2011
G.W. Bush and his Christian Bull Horn
G.W. Bush paid a lot of "lip service" to Christian beliefs. Bush stood upon the 9/11 rubble with his bull horn and spoke in Manichean black and white stark good and evil terms about "smoking them out of their caves." Bush did not give a thought to turning the other cheek. One young man in the crowd was inspired by the bull horn rhetoric to enlist. He only saw one battle and did not fire a shot before he was rendered a paraplegic for life. He said that all he did see were women and children running in terror. I seriously wonder, would things have been better in the long run if "Christian America" had remembered Jesus' words about "turning the other cheek." Was it really worth two wars. Had we recruited some Iranians and Afghanistanis for a Navy Seal program then surely we could have accomplished our ends with drones and assassinations and infiltration. The reasoning of the late historian Howard Zinn comes to mind who pointed out that Canada achieved independence from Great Britain without a revolutionary war.