Sunday, August 14, 2011
Internet Friendships
Has just realized that this social experiment that is online interaction...has allowed me to, through the variant samples (views,ideas,images,videos,notes,messages) of the lives of others, determine more quickly and more deeply who is genuine than I could have spending years with the same people in real life. It is an amazing power of this medium for those that are observant.William: Some years ago I read that Internet relationships are beneficial for women BECAUSE many males find it harder to share feelings, so you might date someone for 10 years and go bowling, movies, dinners, picnics, swimming, but never really KNOW the deepest feelings, convictions, hopes, fears....BUT on-line ALL YOU HAVE ARE WORDS so the male must be expressive (well there are also Youtube Anime Remixs if you really want to cut to the chase scene.) If you have a chance visit ... I met Rachel on 4 years ago... she had a broadcast with 50 viewers. One night she aggressively defended on line friendships as DEEPER than in person.... she said she had on her cell phone the numbers of people she has never met in person BUT they call each other up if there is a break-up, ... now Rachel was an overweight depressed teen with ADHD and a doctor gives here one injection per month and a pill a day, and she lost 30 pounds and became the dynamic happy person you see at that link, and she is in Houston TX and is a talented computer graphic artist/web designer. So YES I would say that one can better know a person by what they write then by simply spending time with them in person. I mean, all I know about Socrates and Hitler and Jesus is what I have read (and Lincoln and Gandhi). Uh oh, I mentioned Hitler so that automatically means I have lost this argument because.... Godwins law.... but I wasnt arguing, I was agreeing YES ... I do agree with you... but it usually take a page or two for me to agree, and my religion requires that I mention Hitler at least once (oh no, I mentioned TWICE... bad karma)