Sunday, August 14, 2011
Regarding Gandhi's Alleged Sexual Misconduct
OK, to make you happy I just found this link which does have one glaring error. Gandhi and Kasturba were wed when they were AGE SIX. Gandhi speaks of it in his autobiography "Experiments in Truth". Kasturba was his THIRD engagement as the first two died of cholera. Only when they were 11 or 12 did an uncle instruct Gandhi to commence sleeping with Kasturba and explained "what to do." Gandhi wondered all his life who explained things to Kasturba but never asked. Perhaps one motive for debunking virtuous people as either non-existant (mythical) or as sinful is that we prove to ourselves that no one is really very nice and so we should not feel great guilt about our own sordid lives or deeds.
Gandhi had some young relative sleep next to him naked to prove to himself that he had finally conquered his sexual lust... Gandhi was always doing "experiments in truth" (his autobiography)... I notice you are slow to believe anything about Jesus but eager to believe things about Gandhi. Actually one of the early Christian hermits ran to town and jumped in the women's bath to prove to himself that lust was dead. Also there is a story in , I think, the Srimad Bhagavatam about someone who walks by some bathing women and they cover their nakedness but he knows that some holy man walked by and they did not cover... so they explained that the holy man did not notice them because he was beyond sexuality.
A saint can see saintliness in even the worst of sinners but a sinner sees sinfulness in even the holiest of saints. hmmm Kurt... you probably dont care to answer this question but... how are YOU any different from Gandhi if Gandhi is guilty of inappropriate sexual conduct.... I was very amused when I noticed that the BIGGEST slut in my class (so slutty that all the other slutty people were in shock and gossiping) was the harshest critic of Weiner and his sexting. Perhaps Jesus is a fictional character but it is still very clever to say "let that person without sin cast the first stone." I have learned the intimate details of hundreds of men's and women's lives because they choose to tell me... and I know only a handful who have led blameless lives and walked away from the opportunity to indulge themselves. Tru, I do not have any grounds to claim a knowledge of you except by what you write but "one never gets a second chance to make a first impression" and I have my first impression of you.
I notice how often disingenuous people use the ploy "I am not even certain what we are discussing" or "we are going off topic." I notice conservatives resorting to that more often than liberals. I also notice the affliction of many conservatives to dialogue by QUOTING back everything I have said... in double quotes, sentence by sentence, and then addressing it in some fashion, and after a while they seem like robots or automatons.
Lets say I just like to call a spade a spade even if it was not dealt out to me.
You might have chosen to cite actual persons living or dead who embody virtues that we should aspire to and emulate. Instead, you debunked or mythologized what you could and reviled the others. And you even indicate that you have dwelt upon the Gandhi thing (which is going on a century old I suppose) and you took particular delight in bringing it up in front of one of Gandhi's decedents.
I admire Martin Luther King, Jr. for the good that he did and the courage that he had. I do not assume that he was lily white and pure as the driven snow. I actually do know a few men who are pure in that fashion but they are rare.
I suppose the Prophet Mohammad would be a sex offender these days because of his child bride Aiyesha. People saw things differently in the 7th century.