Monday, August 22, 2011

Tasteless Gaddafi Jokes

A convert to Islam constantly posts these sorts of things:
BREAKING: Muammar Gaddafi has been spotted in Berkeley, on Telegraph Avenue. He has made a career change and is now a sidewalk vendor of sunglasses, African silk robes, and anti-war bumper stickers. He was also seen chatting up female undergrads.
My response:
So much frequent humor and you will have little credibility
Whenever I begin to take some article seriously and see "the onion" I stop reading. Now when I see your name will think "The Onion"
Habits can be our best friends or our worst enemies
Plus, this sort of humor is not graduate school humor, it is junior high humor.
As a convert to Islam everything you say and do is as a spokesperson for Islam and other will assess Islam in part by how you deport yourself. I was just now notified that Turkey is launching air strikes against Kurdish civilians. I was asked to spread the video link. I saw your mention of Gaddafi and paused with concern to read. The topic of Gaddafi brings to mind the tragic persecution of civilians by government forces. To make light of it with crass jokes and sexual allusions is in poor taste. If I don't take the  time to make you aware of what is wrong with this then who will? But, perhaps I am mistaken. I knew one Rabbi who told me how he became furious with the post office but controlled his words and actions because everyone was seeing him as an example so if he lost his dignity he gives Judaism a bad name.
[He argues: William, satire is an integral part of politics. It's one of the ways we keep ourselves sane. And someone else says I am attempting irony. Another writes: If you see Mr. Gaddafi, please remember to kick him in the testicles.]

My reply:

I am dead serious. I am disappointed. Most of us undergo very long and very expensive educations so should we not endeavor to write informative and dignified posts? America is a sewer comedy. I am guilty of it myself. But the bulk of my posts are dead serious. Also, as a convert to Islam, you represent Islam. Countless people suffered and died under this cruel, insane dictator and all you can find to say are crude and tasteless jokes.  I suspect you are capable of far more. And you know perfectly well that if 10 people a day criticized such posts as I do then you would avoid them like the plague because you naturally seek popularity and acceptance as we all do.  But just because we live in a society which is a sewer of obscene cartoons and reality shows does not mean we should pander to the lowest common denominator.  Think on these things.  When you write these things then what are you doing for the best interests of the Islamic community? Junior high school students talk of kicking people in the testicles.  I am only trying to help you in the long run. Your talents and energies could be put to much better uses.

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