Saturday, August 27, 2011

Those who revile ALL religion

I suspect those who revile ALL spirituality are people who resent the notion that there is something they should not do and that they should try to control themselves and discipline themselves and so, like Doestoevsky, they say "if there is no God then all is permitted." In reality if there IS no God the WE are God since we are the only self-conscious intelligence and it behooves us to be Godly and assume stewardship of this world and one another.  The Protestants resent Popery but in reality EVERY Protestant is a POPE since each person is entitled to interpret scripture EVEN THOUGH II Peter 3:16 says that there are those who twist and distort scripture to their own harm. Protestants do not like anyone telling them what to do. When their church needs a pastor they INTERVIEW pastors until they find one they like.  People who hate the RC church go on and on as if every priest were some kind of sexual predator. In reality the number of wrong-doers is something like 2% and some of those only have one misdeed so the number of repeat offenders is less than .5% and one may find sexual wrong doing among Rabbis, Imams, Pandits, Zen Masters, etc. and EVEN among married clergy who supposedly have some sanctioned place to stick are therefore  immune from temptation.

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