Saturday, August 27, 2011
We cannot know what is good. We only know what is evil.
Actually in Jewish understanding as illustrated by the ancient Rabbis Shammai and Hillel and there SILVER rule "that which you find hateful to yourself do not do that to others" .... humans cannot have a knowledge of what is good but can only know what is evil and hateful. Consider Solomon's words "there are ways which seemeth good unto a man but the end thereof is death" and compare with II Peter 3:16 (thereabouts) "Paul has said some things which are difficult to understand and those with weak minds who lack a foundation TWIST and distort such words unto their own destruction as they twist many other passages of scripture." The Golden Rule "do unto others" is impossible if we do not have a knowledge of what is good. When Josephs brethern came to him in Egypt to ask his forgiveness Joseph answered "You intended evil in your attempt to kill me and then selling me into slavery but God transformed your evil into good since your actions enabled me to achieve a position of wealth and power so that I may now rescue my kin from famine " (paraphrased from memory) Look at the evils that Christians worked with their colonial empires THINKING that they were doing good unto those subjugated.