Monday, September 19, 2011

Seeking the Lowest Common Denominator

David: Frankly, I think they are fine examples of the kind of rhetoric that is getting in the way of substantive discussion and progress on this issue (and so many others) within the Church (let me stress, on both sides too). Per 1 Peter 3:15, everyone is indeed "always ready to give an answer" but forgets to "do this with gentleness and respect.." I apologize for perhaps, at best, dancing on that line myself in this post. Not knowing either of you very well, I can only imagine that the dismissive and disrespectful attitude that pervades the cutting remarks above comes out of a deep frustration and hurt in the way your opponents have behaved. I am very sympathetic to that. Nothing hurts so much as "friendly fire" from your spiritual brothers-in-arms. All I'm asking is that the next time some fool rhetorically bitch-slaps you in the name of Christ, to remember that Jesus himself tells us to "turn the other cheek" and not to respond in kind.

William: Jesus didn't seem to be too worried about peoples feelings when he called that crowd of pharisees a "generation of vipers."  I was just recently looking at I Peter 3:15 and from memory I recall something like "Always be ready to give answer when asked what reason you have to hope BUT dwell cautious and fearful as a stranger."  The dis-"HONORABLE" Newt Gingrich married his high school geometry teacher (which isn't exactly forbidden but its kind of weird) and now he is on, what , wife three or four, and his adulterous affair became public at a time when he was engaged in Bill Clinton's case. So why is it that no one seeks to criminalize divorce since divorce is one of the few things Christ condemned?  So now let me take a look at I Peter 3:15 and see how close I came. .... OK, I guess what I read was leaning towards "MEEKNESS AND FEAR" and I was struck by the uniqueness of 1 Peter 3:16 in the Douay-Rheims tranlation "But with modesty and fear, having a good conscience: that whereas they speak evil of you, they may be ashamed who falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ."  So the sense I get from the passage is to speak out your apologetic but WATCH OUT, be meek and fearful, because the world is a dangerous place. I did not get the sense that one should sugar-coat words and be patronizing to avoid making people FEEL BAD. Damn they SHOULD FEEL BAD.  Why does Christianity spend so much time looking at Jesus nailed on a cross?  America is a disgusting, hypocritical failure as a Christian society and yet they pat themselves on the back and speak in terms of "exceptionalism" as if the founding fathers were such Bible-loving Christ-loving Christians.  Billy Graham stood outside the White House each presidency from Truman on trying to suck up power and influence. The ONLY president that refused to let Graham in the White House for a prayer breakfast was JIMMY CARTER, who said "the White House is not the place for that sort of thing." Besides, Paul talks about taking someone aside, first, privately, and then in the company of two or three, and if they do not repent then expel them from the congregation.  People who grovel to find the obsequious lowest common denominator which appeals to everyone will wind up with something so watered down that it is worthless.

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