Thursday, October 06, 2011

Leisure time an hunter-gatherers

There is no mythology surrounding the fact that at various times in history various classes of people have had to work 7 day a week 16 hours or more a day. In fact, the next time you happen to go on a cruise ship check out the work schedule of most of the crew, and they are glad to be there doing that because in their native land they would run the risk of being shot at or worse. So it makes very little difference what the myth or reality of the hunter gatherer is or was. There are people who study those Pidanha folks with the bird-like language in the rain forests and they do go into the jungle naked and return three days later laden with food. There are people who study the Chukshi raindeer herders above the arctic circle as well as the few Eskimos that are left. I am sure there are varying degrees of leisure or lack of leisure.  I suppose one may take seriously the descriptions of Upton Sinclaire's "The Jungle" and the packing towns. Oh, and by the way, most male Neanderthal skeletons show multiple healed fractures because they had a meat-only diet and hunted their large prey at close range with short spears so I doubt that their lives were a leisurely piece of cake.

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