Thursday, October 06, 2011

Media fanatics

The original purpose of this thread was to discuss the question of whether Michael Voris is a fanatic in his portrayal of Obama as an embodiment of consummate evil with the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church as part of his agenda.  I have to listen to Voris every day because my wife listens to him as well as to other shows (Barbara McGuigan) on that Catholic TV internet podcast and 89.7 (I think that is the number.) ...  I find some of these people to be fanatical although there are things that they say which I agree with.

As I explained, I was baptized twice, once with sprinkling and once with complete immersion by an old calendar bishop from Greece.  I do believe I possess some sort of faith but it is an interfaith sort of faith and I do not expect others to be persuaded of it. I think people like Gandhi can be just fine without baptism and I think there are baptized people who are utter monsters. I especially find monstrous and satanic many of the megaministry demagogues who lull the populace into complacency with promises of eternal security of salvation as if one emotional moment of lip service to some misguided credo can deliver them from paying the consequences for all future actions.

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