Monday, October 03, 2011
Regarding more modern gender inclusive Bible translations
Sometimes prophetic foreshadowing is lost when one tampers with the language. For example, if you look at the Greek Septuagint version of Psalm 1 verse 1 ... where it CLEARLY states (paraphrasing) "Blessed/perfect/flawless/sinless is that ONE AND ONLY MALE (and they could have used anthropos for person but they wrote MAKRIOS ANER) who has never sat in the seat of the pestilent... etc." and further on in that psalm it says "and who studies the law day and night" ... in those times women did not study the law, only males. Consider the significance of the male ram which Abraham found CAUGHT IN A BUSH BY ITS HORNS... and which Abraham sacrificed in place of his son. Had that ram been caught by his fleece then he would have been damaged, flawed and unfit for sacrifice BUT because that male animal was caught by its horns it was not flawed or injured. I am afraid that what the public has tired of is not old English translations of the Bible but rather they have tired of the age-old idea of God become man, become man-God (theos-anthropos) and instead the public is busy reshaping religion into something that makes them feel comfortable and good about themselves which is part of the success of Joel Osteen who tells people a few jokes and makes them feel good about themselves, a gospel of prosperity. Sadly, many people that I listen to, including ordained clergy, have not a CLUE as to what the first thousand years of Christianity was all about.
Modern translations will render Psalm 1:1 "Happy are those people ... and the prophetic is lost" ... but NEVER MIND, because we all know that God does not have a KINGDOM but rather, a Democracy where the majority rules and knows best.