Tuesday, October 18, 2011
What it takes to be President
William: I suspect Bush and Cheney would have a hard time if they were brought before Hague tribunal on war crime charges.. and what gets me, Bush is such a big Christian, pays lip service, but he joined Yale Skull and BOnes, which they should consider demonic... and he dodged Vietnam, and was an alcoholic until he allegedly walked on the beach with Billy Graham.
I figure Jesus would have said turn the other cheek, forgive your enemies, repay evil with kindness, regarding WTC, but obviously Bush never asked what Jesus might do
Well I think we can end our conversation on Politics.
Friend: I don't like it when people bash others. You know only what the media allows us to know but people don't actually know him personally.
I like Bush and I think he's intelligent. So he didn't go to Vietnam. I wouldn't either.
EVERYONE has their faults. Including the politicians that you like.
William: this is true.... for the Bushes the "D" word is Dynasty, they dont like it, yet they set their sons up as Governors... so it can amount to dynastic control by one family
Friend: You're not angering me but I think it's harsh to judge someone like that and I won't do it and I don't want to read it.
William: my apologies.... but then, a conservative frined who bashes Obama all the time says thats what comes with public life,... constant criticism, so one must be thick skinned
Friend: I'm sure the politicians know that and are prepared.
Friend: oddly, Bush pays so much lip service to Christianity, yet Jesus said 'You shall be judged for every idle word which proceeds from your lips..." yet wannabe christians will balk at harsh, critical judgment.
I suspect America's superpower days are coming to an end, and the dollar may go the way of the Pound Sterling as far as an international currency
Friend: To talk about war crimes, alcoholism, and what not.
just isn't right.
William: but, people feel free to use ammunition against Obama, if they dont like him...
Christianity IS all about judgment, being judged, but they skew it to be about forgiveness.... like Newt Gingrich with his divorces and affairs... on an interview he said 'true, but I asked God for forgiveness" - so that makes everything ok...
I mean, if America were REALLY a Christian nation, Bible based, they would criminalize divorce,... since Jesus spoke against divorce... but Jesus didnt say much about same sex unions, stem cell, euthanasia... etc
i think Jefferson had it right with separation of church and state,.... not all these "faith based initiatives"
Bobby Jindal came as a Hindu from India and converted to Roman Catholicism as a calculated agenda... had he gone to Indonesia he would have become Muslim, and in Sri Lanka he would have become Theravadin Buddhist... of that I am convinced
gov. in Louisiana
which is the ONLY state with Napoleonic code.
I laughed because Jeb Bush married an Hispanic Catholic, but waited YEARS to convert... but did become RC... and I am convinced that it was NOT personal conviction, but rather problems in Episcopal/Anglican made it more politically expedient to be RC ... and now, 60% of House/Senate is RC... in 1960 with JFK that was not so
I was a kid and watched JFK on Face the Nation or Meet the Press explaining that he would not take orders from the Pope... ha ha
no one seemed to bat an eyelash that Nixon was Quaker... but they are terrified of having a Mormon / LDS president
and a Jew... FORGET IT... this country is so weird
Friend: Our country does have it's quirkes but that's just how it is. I guess it just depends on what they feel is the best for the moment.
William: a president must be tall, slim, male, clean shaven, Christian, married, not TOO intellectual, and appear on the night time talk show circuit (I cannot imagine Eisenhower doing that)
Tom Dewey was the last candidate to have a mustache
William Howard Taft (1909-1913) was the last president in office to have facial hair (mustache)
the very first female prime minister was in Sri Lanka in 1960s, she died a year or so ago, but she got in because of an assassination