Monday, November 28, 2011
Accepting God's Will
There is a different sort of answer for your friend's problem. There are various passages in the Bible which suggest that everything which befalls us is part of God's will and as it says in the Epistle of James "count it all joy when trials befall you" ... Job is tried with all sorts of sufferings. Even Tobit in the Deuterocanonical books risks his life to bury the dead in defiance of a pagan king's orders and yet a tragedy befalls Tobit which causes him to go blind.
If we keep getting pregnant until we have ten children, then that is God's will. If we cannot conceive or even adopt, then that is God's will.
At a certain point a believer should simply surrender to circumstances and accept God's will. A person who is in a state of "friendship with God" and is able to receive communion but cannot because of some mitigating circumstances beyond their control is still much better off than someone who receives communion unworthily and as Paul says, eats unto their own condemnation.