Friday, November 25, 2011

Jesus - (Ye) 耶 and He ”provides us with our daily food- fish plus wheat or rice”(Su) 穌

I had blogged some while about about the curious characters chosen in Chinese for the name Jesus Christ, namely that one of the characters is a composite of two characters that mean grain and fish - I google and found this: (Yesu or Jesus) whose “ears are always open to our prayers”(Ye) 耶 and He ”provides us with our daily food- fish plus wheat or rice”(Su) 穌. ... I am not implying that there is some symbolic significance in the characters chose for Jesus name but simply that the world commences with cave drawings (icons), proceeds to pictograms/logograms, then to phonetic alphabets (Logos), and in the case of Chinese, back to the logograms. WHAT I am thinking about in a formative sense is HOW we live our daily life, the manner of our living, as somehow an IMAGE of something higher. Hans Kung on page 1 of "On Being Christian" asks an important question: WHY do we need Christ? Why not simply live a good life in the humanist sense?

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